
The significance of company culture


From strategic boardroom meetings to idle wish lists of job seekers all over the world, company culture is fast becoming an infectious buzzword that needs to be addressed and managed by businesses. Typically, dress codes (or lack thereof), policies, benefits, internal decisions, priorities, visions and a host of many other things are attributed to company culture. However, company culture could also be defined as the manner by which employees and management interact within a business. It’s about the complex relationships within a business and the rules, norms and practices that govern them.

Every company culture is unique, as they are products of multiple factors within businesses. Since it can help direct internal processes within a business, human resources managers believe that it has huge implications to the business and must be managed in such a way that it helps push a company closer to its goals.

A strong case for recruitment

As businesses compete for the best employees in the job market, company culture is an asset that businesses can hinge on to represent their brand and establish their image to potential hires and the public at large. Aside from the paycheck and workload, job seekers now also look at how compatible they are with the images that companies project. Conversely, companies exhibit their culture to attract people who have goals and value systems that align with their own.

Embedding values that matter

Company culture can be used to implicitly promote values that are important for the company. By creating internal policies and liberties that align with the business’ goal, the HR department can boost the importance of some values over others. While internal relationships within businesses can’t be manufactured, it can be guided through the right mix of value systems, priorities, policies and practices.

For instance, rewarding results instead of creating strict internal processes can help push for a culture of flexibility while not losing sight of end objectives. This can be enacted through flexible work hours, qualitative evaluations and gauging the progress of projects in the context of actionable goals.

On retaining employees

For HR departments, the company culture is recognised as one of the key factors that can affect employee retention. Aside from salary and personal factors, employees choose to stay or leave a company because of how they feel within it. Company culture can help retain employees by:

  • Creating an inclusive environment where people that align with your vision/business goals can thrive;

  • Establishing an image that lets potential employees know what to expect in your culture; and

  • Adjusting some of the priorities, policies and practices within the company to create a suitable working environment that meets employees’ needs and aspirations without sacrificing your company’s own goals.

While there is no such thing as a utopian company culture, shaping one is possible when you know exactly how you want to reach your goals, who you want to work with and how you want to set your business apart. At the end of the day, it’s about creating a comfortable environment that makes a compromise between what’s happening within your business and what you can do to direct that existing culture positively.

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