Communication is always tricky, especially between a business and its customers. Often this is tied to the company failing to engage with their audience or misusing communication channels and platforms- that is where marketing comes in.
The target audience
It all starts with your audience. Understanding your target audience is a crucial part to making the rest of the marketing strategy possible. Aside from that, the target audience will often dictate how your marketing strategy will be developed (depending on their reactions to it) as well as being your primary source of data for gauging the effectiveness of your campaign. Research, preparations, and feedback are the most important of these.
The marketing plan
After figuring out the target audience, it’s time to add kindling to the spark; a marketing plan. To have the most amount of impact, it is wise to build this around the most opportune times and communication channels. This means you need to have established processes, the patience and dedication to carry the plan out and a stable network to contact when difficulties arise.
The plan (for when you get caught without one)
Even with all the foresight and planning, there may be an occasion that will catch you off guard without a contingency plan in place. The situation could be varied - perhaps an error in manufacturing, delivery, communications or something completely out of your control. In all of these scenarios, it is always important to keep a level head and evaluate the scenario.
Ultimately, your experience, willingness to commit to your brand’s vision and the way in which messages are communicated to your audience is what drives success.
Looking for advice on how to move forward with your business operations? Contact myCEO’s experts today for a consultation. Or, if you’re after more ways in which you can raise your marketing profile, download our free Marketing Pillar eBook here.